The Memphis Youth Symphony Program (MYSP) was formed by Maestro Vincent de Frank in 1966 under the umbrella of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra. In March 2006, MYSP legally separated from the Memphis Symphony and reorganized as a separate and distinct nonprofit organization. The MYSP serves as the premiere youth symphony program in the Mid-South. MYSP consists of seven large ensembles, multiple chamber ensembles, and a student advisory council. All students (public, private, rural, faith-based, and home schooled) are invited to audition. The result is a diverse mix of students that reflects the community's culture and complexion. The program engages 300 students annually, ages 6-19, from the tri-state area.
The Memphis Youth Symphony Program celebrates musical development in a fun, inclusive, and collaborative community.
MYSP is recognized as one of the most inclusive year-round creative youth development programs in the Mid-South. MYSP instills life-long values of discipline, teamwork, creative problem solving, and musical appreciation in students from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.
The Memphis Youth Symphony Program is committed to creating an organization that values diversity, equity, and inclusion by:
Offering financial aid to any family with need. Cost should never be a barrier for those with talent and desire.
Recruiting from all Mid-South communities.
Embracing a variety of musical levels.